In true Nigerian style, there was much joy and celebration throughout the community, as the buses traveled the last miles to the school in Kafanchan. In addition to the crowds that lined the street, the Boys Brigade marched ahead of the procession with drums and bugles adding to the festive air.
The Parade begins, lead by the Boys Brigade.
Antang and Achin, two rural villages, received completed boreholes. The remainder of the funds from First Baptist Church of Manchester was utilized to complete these boreholes. The small, rural communities now have clean water for the first time.
One of our very generous donors has offered to match every dollar we raise between now and Christmas day! Any funds raised will help meet the costs of the much needed dormitory project at Graceland International School in Gusau, Zamfara State.
There is no school transportation system established in Nigeria. Students walk (sometimes long distances), are driven by parents, take public buses if available or hire a driver who takes them on the back of a moped. Our partner in Kafanchan, Bishop Dogo, while conversing with an AEP representative, expressed a desire to have several small school buses shipped to the port of Lagos for delivery to Kafanchan. He agreed to pay for the buses and import taxes and requested that Africa Education Partnership pay the shipping to Nigeria.
This page compiles information from outside sources, as well as AEP's own blog updates.
ArchiveD News
December 2024