On Saturday, October 5, the board of Africa Education Partnership met for a full day retreat with guests and partners, Bishop Markus and Nana Dogo. The meeting took place in Shelton, Connecticut, with board members from Akron, Ohio, making the tip north. One board member joined via phone from Virginia Beach. Bishop Dogo’s Report The first item on the agenda was to hear a report from Bishop about the progress that has been made in renovating the dilapidated school buildings in Kafanchan. He gave a detailed description of how the completion of the Kogum River Nursery/Primary School renovation had radically improved the learning environment for the students. The renovation has also increased enrollment at the school. The completion of the assembly/exam hall of the Junior/secondary school in Kafanchan was vital because the state of the ceiling posed a safety issue for both students and staff. The bishop reminded us that the area in Kafanchan where these schools are is poor and rural, consisting mainly of peasant farmers. Next on the agenda was a long discussion on the next set of priorities for the other schools in the diocese, all of which need extensive renovation. Mrs. Nana Dogo’s report on women’s training center
Before we broke for lunch we heard about the inspiring work being done by Mrs, Nana Dogo with the women and girls of the diocese, there are about 2500 widows, that are being taken care of. Mrs. Dogo has opened a women’s center, with a 20-room guest house. Women come to the guest house to be trained in the acquisition of the skills needed to make them independent. Women spend two weeks at the center learning skills such as sewing, weaving, knitting and leather work. They then return to their villages with a starter kit, such as a sewing machine, loom and other tools to enable them to start a home business.
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December 2024